Dental Solutions

Improving the Smile with Laser Gum Contouring

Feb 22, 2013 @ 09:00 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Gum Contouring Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry Laser Dentistry

Are you satisfied with your smile? Most of our patients are not completely happy with the appearance of their smiles. From small imperfections, to discoloration, to alignment issues, our Warsaw cosmetic dentists have solutions to improve the appearance of the teeth. But the teeth are not the only aspect of the smile. The gums are equally important in the overall appearance of the smile. Just as healthy, proportionate gums can create a beautiful frame for the teeth, an overabundance of gum tissue or an uneven gum line can detract from the beauty of the smile. Fortunately, our Warsaw patients can undergo laser gum contouring, a cosmetic treatment for the gums.

Is Laser Gum Contouring for Me?

If you are wondering if laser gum contouring is right for you, ask yourself the following questions:

If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, you should consider laser gum contouring. Our doctors can examine your gums and let you know if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

The Procedure

In the past, the only option for patients who wished to reshape the gum line was a slow and painful procedure in which excess gum tissue was scraped away using a dental scalpel. Thanks to the advances in laser dentistry, the same results can now be achieved in a process that is faster, simpler, and virtually pain free. The laser gum contouring procedure may begin with the application of a local anesthetic although the laser makes the procedure very comfortable so this step is not always necessary. A dental laser will then be used to sculpt the gum line and remove excessive gum tissue to create an even and proportionate gum line. As the laser cuts away at the gum tissue, it simultaneously cauterizes the gum tissue. This drastically reduces, and in some cases completely eliminates, bleeding during the procedure. It also eliminates the need for an extended recovery period and greatly minimizes the chances of infection or complications following the procedure.

Complementing Laser Gum Contouring

After the gums have been contoured, more of the teeth will be revealed. For many patients, additional cosmetic procedures will be required to improve the appearance of the teeth and complement the results of laser gum contouring. For our patients in Warsaw, porcelain veneers are a popular treatment; veneers can make the teeth appear whiter, straighter, and more even. With laser gum contouring and porcelain veneers, patients are left with a smile that they are proud to show off to others.

Schedule an Appointment

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your smile, schedule an appointment with one of our dentists at Dental Solutions in Warsaw. We will thoroughly examine your teeth and recommend an appropriate treatment to leave you with a beautiful, dazzling smile.