Dental Solutions

Improve Daily Comfort with Dry Mouth Treatment

Mar 24, 2014 @ 09:44 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Dry Mouth Bad Breath Restorative Dentistry

You may find that you feel parched more than usual, and think little of the problem until it begins to seriously affect your life. If you suffer from dry mouth, a wide array of side effects may begin to negatively impact your daily life. Fortunately, your Warsaw dentists, Drs. Stofer and Hemphill, offer dry mouth treatment at their practice, Dental Solutions. Whether you have just begun to notice your mouth consistently feels dry, or if associated symptoms occur, such as a change in the way foods usually taste, our team is ready to help. We will thoroughly examine your mouth, discuss your symptoms, and provide treatment to place you back on the road toward wonderful oral health and comfort.

What Is Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth is an oral condition, referred to medically as xerostomia. This disorder occurs when your mouth fails to produce adequate saliva, or simply stops producing saliva. In some cases, dry mouth occurs as a natural result of the aging process. However, the following causes more commonly result in chronic dry mouth:

  • Medication Side Effects: In some instances, certain medications will cause dry mouth. Adjusting or changing medication may contribute to an improvement of this side effect.
  • Tobacco Use: Chewing tobacco and smoking may cause or worsen dry mouth.
  • Dehydration: When your body does not have a sufficient amount of water, one of the symptoms may include dry mouth.
  • Medical Conditions: A variety of medical conditions may result in dry mouth, such as diabetes or autoimmune disorders.
  • Nerve Damage: Serious injuries may impair your body’s nerves, and ability to appropriately produce saliva.

What Are the Symptoms of Dry Mouth?

Feeling like you need to moisten your mouth by reaching for a sip of water is the most obvious symptom of dry mouth. However, a variety of other red flags may point to this oral condition. Because some symptoms can negatively affect your oral health, seeking treatment right away is essential in protecting your mouth. Look over the following symptoms of dry mouth for a clearer understanding of this condition:

Dry Mouth Treatment

If you suffer from dry mouth, seeking immediate treatment is an important step in protecting your oral health. Dry mouth may lead to serious problems, such as gum disease, may increase cavity formation, and can result in a variety of oral infections. By preventing these occurrences, you may be able to avoid restorative dentistry services, such as filling, deep cleanings, and other treatments. To improve your comfort and quality of life, your cosmetic dentist, Dr. Stofer or Dr. Hemphill, will offer dry mouth treatment. Treatment may include:

Schedule Your Appointment

If you experience dry mouth, and would like to learn more about this condition and our treatment options, we suggest a visit to discuss dry mouth treatments. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment with us at Dental Solutions.