Dental Solutions

Different Ways That Dentists Can Straighten Your Teeth

Nov 21, 2015 @ 08:19 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Orthodontics

Sometimes your smile doesn't look its very best. There may be a gap or a tooth that's out of alignment, and it can make you reluctant to smile. We have helped countless patients in and around Warsaw who have suffered from these kinds of problems. There are cosmetic dentistry treatments to improve the look of your smile as well as more advanced therapies that improve dental health in addition to aesthetics.

Since we receive many questions about these kinds of issues, let's go over the basics of treating crooked teeth.

Crooked Teeth Have a Negative Impact On the Look of Your Smile

If you have teeth that are crooked or are poorly aligned in some fashion, it can have a negative affect on the aesthetics of your smile. This goes for gaps between teeth, uneven spacing, or general kinds of malocclusion. It's not uncommon for people to feel self-conscious about their smiles, even if they're interacting with people they've known since childhood.

Poor Tooth Alignment Can Lead to Dental Health Issues

Crooked teeth means more than just aesthetic flaws. When you suffer from malocclusion, it can impact your dental health in a number of ways. For one, crooked teeth can cause pain and discomfort as you bite and chew since the teeth are not in an optimal position for a healthy bite. In addition, poor dental alignment can contribute to teeth grinding (bruxism) and is often linked to TMJ disorders, a painful dysfunction of the jaw joint.

Given the combination of cosmetic and health issues related to malocclusion, it's a good thing that multiple treatment options are available to address these issues.

Porcelain Veneers for Aesthetic Misalignment Issues

In terms of misalignment that is purely cosmetic in nature, one of the best options for treatment is the use of porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of dental ceramic that are used to mask the front portion of a tooth from view. When in place, a porcelain veneer can make your smile look flawless.

One of the best things about porcelain veneers is that they are semi-transluscent, which means that light passes through them partially just like natural tooth structure. This makes the veneers look perfect when they are in place, practically indistinguishable from your real teeth.

Orthodontic Care for Misalignment That Affects Dental Health

When your tooth misalignment results in dental health problems, the ideal option to consider is orthodontic treatment. By undergoing orthodontic care, you can have your teeth shifted into a more ideal position, enhancing overall dental alignment and alleviating health issues. Orthodontic care is a common part of treating teeth grinding in some cases TMJ disorders.

Traditional braces can be used to improve the alignment of the teeth, but there are alternatives to traditional braces that have proven quite effective, which use clear plastic aligner trays rather than brackets and wires. All of your options can be discussed during your visit.

Which Treatment Option Is Best for Me?

All treatments are tailored to the needs of the patient, and determining the right one for you will involve an in-person analysis of your bite. We'll use traditional and state-of-the-art techniques in the diagnostic process to ensure that you get the right treatment for your needs.

Learn More About Teeth Straightening Options

To learn more about the many options available for improving the overall alignment and health of your smile, be sure to contact our cosmetic and restorative dentistry center today. We look forward to your visit and helping you achieve optimal dental health.