Dental Solutions

Enhance the Beauty of the Smile with Gapped Teeth Treatment

Dec 22, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Porcelain Veneers Dental Bonding

It can be difficult to maintain the beauty of the smile, because even the smallest imperfection can affect its overall appearance. One example of this is gapped teeth. In most cases of gapped teeth, the alignment of the teeth is off just enough that a small space exists between a couple of the teeth, often the front, middle teeth. While this minor misalignment often is not enough to compromise the health or strength of the teeth, it can greatly impact the aesthetics of the smile. Cosmetic dentistry treatments address cosmetic flaws, such as gapped teeth, in order to enhance the beauty of the smile. At Dental Solutions, we offer treatment for gapped teeth to our Warsaw, IN patients so we can eliminate the appearance of gapped teeth and help patients achieve straighter, more even teeth.

Treatment Options

Patients have a few options when it comes to closing, or concealing, a gap of space between the teeth. In most cases, cosmetic treatment can effectively improve the appearance of the smile by concealing gapped teeth. However, if the alignment of the teeth needs to be corrected, our dentists can assist patients with that as well. Below are the treatment options that are most likely to be considered for patients with gapped teeth:

Any one of these treatment options can effectively treat gapped teeth to enhance the beauty of the smile. Our cosmetic dentists are happy to discuss these treatments in further detail to help patients determine which treatment option is the best for their unique situation.

Schedule an Appointment

If gapped teeth are making you feel self-conscious about your smile, schedule an appointment with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists at Dental Solutions. We will be happy to discuss treatments for gapped teeth and help you achieve the straight, even smile you desire.