Dental Solutions

Treatment for Buck Teeth

Sep 17, 2018 @ 10:13 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Invisalign Cosmetic Dentistry

Buck teeth, or protruding front teeth, can have a negative impact on the appearance of the smile. More importantly, this condition can make the teeth more susceptible to breakage and trauma.

Here, our team at Dental Solutions in Warsaw, IN explores the causes and treatments for buck teeth. We also explain why intervention is so important. At our practice, we offer orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry treatments to address aesthetic concerns caused by malocclusion problems.

What Causes Buck Teeth?

Most cases of buck teeth are due to childhood behaviors during the developmental years. For example, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolonged pacifier or bottle use can all contribute to the occurrence of this condition. Frequent pressure against the back of the front teeth can cause them to splay out over time.

Occasionally, buck teeth may be attributed to genetics. In these cases, there is most likely a skeletal issue present.

When Is the Best Time to Address Buck Teeth?

In the case of malocclusion, the earlier treatment can be performed, the better. In fact, some cases of buck teeth may be more treatable during childhood, especially if skeletal discrepancies are to blame. By doing so, many patients can avoid oral surgery later on.

However, it is important to note that buck teeth can be addressed at any age. Many patients can achieve improved alignment without the need for oral surgery. During an initial consultation, your doctor can determine the best course of action for you.

Treatments for Buck Teeth

There are several options for buck teeth, including orthodontics and cosmetic procedures. In the sections below, we will explore some of the most common treatments offered at our practice.


Orthodontics is the most obvious solution when it comes to correcting malocclusion. Patients who want to avoid wearing visible metal braces can opt for Invisalign® instead.

Using clear removable trays, this system gradually moves the teeth into their desired positions in about 18 to 24 months. The aligner trays must be worn approximately 22 hours every day to be effective.

Every two weeks, the current trays will be discarded and switched out for the next set in the series.

Dental Bonding

Mild cases of buck teeth can be addressed with dental bonding. This procedure involves applying composite resin to the affected teeth to change their shape or size. While this treatment does not move the teeth in any way, it can make the teeth appear straighter, offering a more uniform, aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Porcelain Veneers

Like bonding, porcelain veneers can change the shape, size, and color of the teeth. Instead of applying composite resin, however, this treatment involves bonding custom veneers to the front surfaces of the teeth. Strong yet thin, veneers are fabricated out of medical-grade ceramic porcelain. Once in place, they can deliver a dramatic result.

Contact Dental Solutions Today

If you are self-conscious about buck teeth or other orthodontic issues, schedule a consultation at Dental Solutions today. Our team can determine the cause of your condition and recommend appropriate treatment options. To learn more, call us at (574) 269-1199 or contact us online anytime.