Dental Solutions

Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Dental Crowns

Dec 12, 2018 @ 11:32 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Patients with damaged, decayed, or weakened teeth can benefit from dental crowns at our Warsaw, IN practice. This type of restoration covers the entire tooth to reinforce it and protect it from further damage.

Dental crowns are strong and resilient, but they are not impervious to damage. A certain degree of care is necessary to ensure your restoration lasts for years to come.

Here, Dr. Bill Stofer discusses the foods and drinks to avoid with dental crowns so you can keep your smile healthy.

Types of Dental Crowns

There are two primary types of dental crowns: temporary and permanent. Your dentist may place a temporary crown to protect the affected tooth while your final restoration is being fabricated. In the sections below, we will discuss proper care and maintenance for each type of crown.

What to Avoid with Temporary Crowns

Temporary crowns are usually made from resin or acrylic. They are designed to last a few months. However, because they are bonded into place with temporary cement, they are not as reliable as the final restorations.

To avoid problems with your temporary crown, we recommend steering clear of:

Until your final crown is fabricated, it is a good idea to chew on the opposite side of your mouth. This will minimize the risk of chipping or dislodgement.

What to Avoid with Permanent Dental Crowns

Once your final, permanent crown is securely bonded into place, you will be able to use it just like a natural tooth. However, there are certain things we recommend avoiding in order to preserve your restorations (and your natural teeth). For example, do not:

Other Ways to Maintain Your Dental Crowns

Chewing on non-food objects like pens and pencils can be incredibly damaging to dental crowns and natural tooth enamel. Additionally, using your teeth as tools can be detrimental to your smile. That is why you should never use your teeth to tear tags off of clothing or open packages.

Furthermore, patients should visit their dentist on a regular basis. Your doctor can monitor your teeth and restorations to ensure there are no serious issues going on.

Contact Our Practice Today

Do you have dental crowns? Knowing how to care for them properly can protect your investment and your oral health. Learn more by calling us at (574) 269-1199 or contacting us online.