Dental Solutions

Dental Bridge Recovery and Aftercare

Apr 22, 2019 @ 12:05 PM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Dental Bridge Missing Teeth Restorative Dentistry

Tooth loss can occur as a result of tooth decay, an injury, or even the natural aging process. Thankfully Dr. William B. Stofer has plenty of options for treatment available. Dental bridges are a great solutuon for a missing tooth, offering a secure false tooth that looks great and restores your ability to bite and chew.

Our Warsaw, IN cosmetic restorative dentistry team feels that proper aftercare is a key to success. With that in mind, we at Dental Solutions would like to go over some of the basics when it comes to dental bridge recovery. This overview will help you know what to expect.

How Dental Bridges Are Placed

Before discussing dental bridges, we should first discuss how they are placed and how that affects the aftercare process.

A traditional dental bridge is a false tooth that is bookended by two dental crowns. These crowns are fit over the teeth surrounding a tooth gap to hold a false tooth in place. Thanks to the stability of the crowns, a person will be able to bite and chew normally again, and experience the benefits of restorative care.

Is the Recovery Painful?

Not really. While some sensitivity and soreness will happen given the placement of dental crowns, the discomfort after getting a bridge placed is minimal. Patients will be able to address the soreness with over-the-counter pain medication and cold compresses.

Temporarily Changing Your Diet

Biting and chewing with a new dental bridge in place can lead to soreness and discomfort. For the first few days to a week after you have a dental bridge placed, consider the following diet and nutrition modifications:

Proper Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing are crucial for good dental health. Patients should brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to help keep their mouth clean. Patients must be delicate while flossing around the bridge, however, and avoid pulling up and loosening the new dental crowns. A proxybrush may be used instead to access the small nooks and crannies around the new bridge.

Avoid Tobacco Products and Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol and tobacco both have a negative impact on your dental health. Avoid alcohol and tobacco products for at least two weeks after your bridge is placed. You may want to use this as a convenient excuse to quit smoking and other tobacco products for good.

Attending Follow-up Dental Visits

Follow-up dental visits will be scheduled after a crown is placed to monitor your recovery process. Attend these visits at our Warsaw dental center as scheduled to ensure you recover properly and free from complications.

How Long Will My Dental Bridge Last?

With good oral hygiene and regular dental visits, your dental bridges should last 10 years if not a bit longer. Eventually the bridge can be replaced to extend the life and health of your smile.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

To learn more about dental bridges and whether or not they are the right option to treat your tooth loss, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic and restorative dentist. The team at Dental Solutions is here to help. You can reach our Warsaw practice by phone at (574) 269-1199.