Dental Solutions

Reduce Dental Anxiety with Sedation Dentistry

Apr 17, 2020 @ 04:23 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry places patients in a relaxed state that eases dental-related fears and anxiety. Dr. William B. Stofer offers nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation.

If you suffer from dental phobia, you may be a great candidate for sedation dentistry. Millions of Americans experience feelings of apprehensive or nervousness about dental procedures. Sedatives are also a great option for making lengthy treatments seem to fly by. At Dental Solutions in Warsaw, IN, we discuss how sedation dentistry can reduce your dental anxiety.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Address Dental Anxiety?

Many adults experience periodic apprehension over going to the dentist. Dental anxiety may be due to:

Symptoms of Dental Phobia

Putting off important dental procedures or even routine cleanings and exams at our Warsaw dental practice can be detrimental to your oral health. Common symptoms of dental phobia include:

Mild apprehension about dental procedures is normal. If your dental anxiety causes physical discomfort or postponement of dental work, you can benefit from sedation dentistry.

Postponing dental treatments will not make your dental problems go away. Delayed procedures or postponed preventative treatments can lead to dental emergencies down the road.

How Sedation Dentistry Works

Sedation dentistry is not general anesthesia. Patients who are under the calming effects of nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation are still conscious but in a dreamlike state. Sedation dentistry targets the central nervous system and induces a euphoric state that blocks out feelings of anxiety, stress, and apprehension.

Sedation can deliver mild, moderate, or deep levels of sedation, depending on the type of procedure you are undergoing and your pain threshold.

Other Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety

Most people will never “get over” dental anxiety, but the condition can be managed. Beyond seeking the safe and effective benefits of sedation dentistry, we recommend that our patients try meditation, deep breathing exercises, or other relaxation techniques before coming to our office for dental treatments.

Advice for While Waiting at Our Office

If you tend to become nervous while sitting in our waiting room, try bringing a book or your favorite podcast to put your mind at ease. Many of our patients experience dental anxiety. If you feel nervous or apprehensive about dental treatments, let a member of our team know. The simple act of sharing a common cause of concern can provide a significant level of relief.

Don’t Let Dental Anxiety Stand Between You and Optimal Oral Health

Sedation dentistry is a safe and effective means of relieving you of the burden of dental anxiety. If you feel apprehensive about an upcoming dental procedure, let a member of our caring dental team know. Many of our patients seek the calming benefits of sedation dentistry when undergoing treatment at our office.

To learn more about the benefits of sedation dentistry for dental anxiety or to schedule your next visit, please contact our office online or call (574) 269-1199.