Dental Solutions

Signs that Your Dentures Need to Be Replaced

May 23, 2018 @ 10:12 AM — by William Stofer
Tagged with: Dentures

People who are missing several or all of their teeth often choose partial or full dentures to replace them. One of the most common teeth replacement options in dentistry, these prostheses are reliable and affordable. Although they are crafted from high-quality, durable materials, they will still need to be replaced at some point.

Today, our team at Dental Solutions in Warsaw, IN discusses common signs that your dentures need to be replaced.

What Is the Lifespan of Dentures?

Before we delve into reasons why your prosthesis may need to be replaced, we will explore the average lifespan of a traditional denture. In most cases, dentures last approximately seven to 10 years.

During this time, minor changes in the fit of the denture are to be expected. That is why occasional relines are necessary to maintain proper form and function.

An Improper Fit

If you are a long-term denture-wearer, it is fairly easy to detect when your prosthesis is not fitting correctly. After tooth loss, the underlying jawbone begins to atrophy. Combined with normal denture wear and tear, this can result in an ill-fitting or wobbly denture. If you begin to notice these warning signs, it could be time to replace your prosthesis.

Gum Irritation

If your dentures begin to shift or move around a lot, it can cause sores, lesions, or irritation on the gum tissue. In addition to being painful, this can also make you more susceptible to oral infections. If your gums are sore, tender, or irritated because of your dentures, it could be time for an upgrade.

Difficulty Eating or Speaking

One of the first things patients notice when dentures become loose is difficulty performing normal routine tasks, such as eating or speaking.

Digestion begins in the mouth. You must be able to chew your food appropriately to obtain adequate nutrition. Therefore, if you notice some of your favorite foods are becoming more challenging to eat, denture replacement could be necessary.

In addition, if shifting or wobbly dentures have a negative impact on your speech, it could be a telltale sign that your appliance needs replaced.

Your Dentures Are Harder to Keep Clean

When your dentures were brand-new, they created a tight seal between the prosthesis and the bone ridge. Over time, as the jawbone deteriorates, the seal may become weaker. As a result, patients often trap more food inside the denture than they did before. If you notice this warning sign, you may want to consider replacing your prosthesis.

In addition, dentures can develop small hairline cracks and fractures over time. Oral bacteria commonly hide in these crevices, making it much more difficult to keep your dentures clean. This can also increase your risk for gum infections.

Broken Base or Broken Teeth

If your dentures break or fracture, there is a chance they could be repaired. However, it is important to have them evaluated by a dental professional; trying to repair your dentures at home can lead to more serious issues, including bite problems and TMJ disorder. To prevent breakage, we recommend placing a folded towel on the countertop or in the sink while cleaning your dentures, in case you drop them.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, you may need to replace your current set of dentures. To schedule a consultation at our practice, call us at (574) 269-1199 or contact us online anytime.